Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Vocabulary list


(p. 7) to rate, verb = to say how good you think sb/sth is

(p. 7) to cower, verb = to move back or into a low position because of fear

(p. 8) juvenile, adj. = for or involving young people who are not yet adults

(p. 8) delinquent, adj. = behaving badly and often breaking the law

(p.9) to convict, verb = a person who has been found guilty and put in prison

(p.9) to squirm, verb = to move around in your chair because you are nervous,  

                                     uncomfortable, etc.

(p. 9) deposition, noun = a formal statement, taken from sb and used in a court of law

(p. 10) artificially, adv. = created by people; not happening naturally

(p.10) starch, noun = a substance that is used for making cloth

(p. 13) heap, noun = an untidy pile of sth

(p. 25) inferno, noun= a place of fiery heat or destruction

(p. 53) to gnaw, verb = to bite, chew on, or erode with the teeth

(p. 58) mosquito, noun = a small flying insect that lives in hot countries and bites people

                                     or animals to drink their blood

(p. 75) haphazard, adj. = with no particular order or plan; badly organized

(p.82) fragile, adj. =easily damaged or broken

(p.89) to replenish, verb = to make sth full again by replacing what has been used

(p. 130) inevitable, adj. = that cannot be avoided or prevented from happening

(p. 141) fatigue, noun = the feeling of being extremely tired

(p 157) redemption, noun = the action of being saved from evil

(p. 198) treacherous, adj. = that you cannot trust and who may do sth to harm you

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